東莞市添翼齒輪有限公司位于經濟發達交通便利的東莞虎門,我廠創建于 2008 年。有專業 的檢測設備保證產品的精度,設備全面的模房和注塑車間。用人方面我們力求真才實干的技 術人才.高素質人才.以及經驗豐富的管理人員。 主要產品:自動售貨機齒輪箱、落杯器齒輪組、塑膠齒輪、塑膠蝸桿等。 產品廣泛用自動售貨機、機器人、家用電器、攝像頭、電子儀表儀器、美容按摩棒、煙感控 制、自動窗簾、考勤機、售貨機、點鈔機、航模、玩具、衛浴、醫療保健,汽車、電動鎖具、 燈飾、伺服器(舵機) 、DVD 播放器、(鐘)儀表、照相機、定時器、碎紙機、復印機、光學 鏡頭、落杯器等傳動設備上。 東莞市添翼齒輪有限公司一直秉承以用戶需求為核心,專注精密齒輪開發的同時,為多家企 業設計開發生產精密傳動零部件。優質、用心的服務贏得了眾多企業的依賴和好評,逐漸樹 立起良好品牌。公司以品質求生存,以客戶就發展,以誠信,共創,雙盈為宗旨。 因專業值 得信賴,因信賴,我們要做的更好。 Dongguan Tianyi Gear Co., Ltd. is located in HUMEN, Dongguan, which has a developed economy and convenient transportation. Our factory was founded in 2008. We have professional testing equipment to ensure the accuracy of our products. Of course we also have a comprehensive equipment room and injection molding workshop. About our employment We will employ high-tech personnel, high quality talent and experienced management personnel. Main products: vending machine gearbox, cupping gear set, plastic gear, plastic worm and so on. The products are Widely used in vending machines, robots, household appliances, cameras, electronic instrumentation, beauty massage sticks, smoke control, automatic curtains, attendance machines, vending machines, money counters, model airplanes, toys, sanitary ware, healthcare, cars, Electric locks, lighting, servos (rudder), DVD players, (clock) instruments, cameras, timers, shredders, copiers, optical lenses, drop cups and other equipment. Dongguan Tianyi Gear Co., Ltd. has been adhering to the needs of users as the core, focusing on the development of precision gears, while designing and developing precision transmission components for many enterprises. The high-quality, dedicated service has won the reliance and praise of many companies, and gradually established a good brand. The company strives for survival by quality, develops by customers, and takes honesty, innovation and double profit as its tenet. Because the profession is trustworthy, because of trust, we have to do better.