中山市維尼照明有限公司,座落于廣東.中山.古鎮。該公司成立于2009年,經過幾年的不斷開拓創新,目前已經發展成為一家專業從事照明開發,生產銷售為一體的科技企業,本公司主要產品有:室內外照明,LED工程照明,LED系列產品等等。。。產品主要銷往歐美,中東,非洲市場等等。。。工廠以品質第一和優惠的價格贏得了中外客戶的肯定,并針對近幾年國內外市場需求不斷增加,為此公司特別研制一批適合國內外用戶的新一代綠色產品,在銷售過程中及反饋信息中得到大家的一致肯定。 設備方面:擁有世界先進的電光源產品檢測儀器及全自動生產流水線,信息方面:擁有對國內外市場需求產品的第一手資料,并隨時掌握市場動態,同時公司已建立穩定的生產.質量.服務保證及售后服務體系。 公司一直秉承“誠信為本。品質第一”的經營理念,以過硬的品質.良好的服務來贏取廣大客戶的支持與信賴!并竭誠歡迎外商及來自全國各地的公司.企業.建立長期的貿易伙伴關系,本公司秉承“顧客至上,銳意進取”的經營理念,堅持“客戶第一”的原則為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。歡迎廣大客戶惠顧!ZHONGSHAN WING LIGHTING COMPANY is located in Guangdong Zhongshan Guzhen. Founded in 2009, after years of constant innovation, has developed into a professional lighting development, production and sales of technology companies, the company's main products are: indoor and outdoor lighting, LED lighting projects, LED series products and so on. . . Products are sold to Europe, America, Middle East, Africa and so on. Factory to quality first, price to win the foreign customer recognition, and in recent years, the increasing market demand for domestic and foreign, for which the company developed a new generation of green products especially for a group of users at home and abroad, in the sales process and feedback information to get everyone the same recognition, the company has always insisted on good quality and service to win the support and trust of our customers, the company adhere to good products and services. Thank customers for their support and trust.