中山市三鄉鎮陳氏五金制品廠,始創于1998年,坐落于風景秀麗的名人之鄉--中山三鄉.陳氏五金制品廠是一家以研發、生產、銷售為一體的綜合性現代化企業.引進專業生產機械設備和獨特的工藝方法,開發研制各類產品千余項, 暢銷國內三十多個省市及經貿易公司出口歐美、東南亞等地區. 專注研制開發紅木家私銅件、明清古典家私五金、新舊家具銅配件、中藥柜拉手、樟木箱及首飾盒等配套五金,承接酒店、別墅小區五金裝飾. 陳氏五金奉行良好的商業道德,其獨到的工藝和良好的品質贏得了客戶的一致好評.我們將一如繼往的努力工作、挑戰極限、飛越夢想.與新老客戶攜手共展宏圖. 竭誠歡迎各界客戶朋友來電.來函.來圖樣洽談業務!Zhongshan Sanxiang Chans Hardware Co., Ltd is found in 1998, located in the beautiful scenery of the famous town—Sanxiang town of Zhongshan city. Chans Hardware factory is a R & D, production, sales as one of the comprehensive modernization of enterprises. We introduced professional production machinery and equipment and unique processes, developed of all types of products, and sold well in domestic cities and exported to the countries of Europe, USA and Southeast Asia etc.We Focus on development of copper pieces of Ming and Qing Dynasties classical mahogany furniture hardware, accessories, new and old copper in cabinet handle, jewelry boxes and decoration hardware of hotel and house.Chans Hardware adheres to good business ethics, with its unique technology and good quality won the praise of customers. We will continue to work hard, to challenge the limit, flying dreams, to build beautiful tomorrow with new and old customers. Welcome to contact with us.