中華光電科技有限公司是專業從事激光管、激光電源、聚焦鏡、反射鏡的研制和生產的高新技術企業。 公司自成立以來一直立足于為國內激光設備生產,激光切割雕刻加工,工藝禮品制作及服裝生產加工等行業所普遍使用的激光設備提供優質的產品和服務。 公司依托激光科研所的雄厚技術實力,產品具有種類齊全,貨源充足,質量穩定,使用壽命長,性價比高等優勢。 我們始終堅持“專業制造,誠信經營,用心服務”的宗旨,在產品質量和產品售后方面已受到廣大客戶的認可。 East Creation Laser Technology LO.,LTD is a subsiduary manufactruing company of laser scientific research office in the Optics Valley of China. It is professional in researching and manufacturing CO2 laser tube, laser power supply, focus lens, reflect lens and all kinds of photoelectric products. CO2激光管系列產品介紹:封離式CO2激光管(CO2 Gas Laser)達到世界先進水平,具有發光性能穩定可靠、模式好、光斑小,采用特殊工藝有效降低工作氣體的分解速度,使工作壽命大大增加、性價比高等特點, Introduction of CO2 laser tube:Hermetic and detached CO2 laser tube reachs the top lever of China, which has the advantges of stable radiation, superior model(basic model > 95%), small laser spot(3-5mm). The laser tube is adopted sepical technics which efficiently reduces the disassembly speed of working gas, while prolongs the working life CO2激光電源產品介紹:高頻CO2激光電源,具有高效、反應速度快、操作方便、保護功能齊全的特點。 該產品可使二氧化碳激光管啟輝容易、使二氧化碳激光管的性能得到充分發揮,出光效率高,延長激光管和電源的壽命。 Introduction of laser power:High – frequency CO2 laser power supply has the advantages of high-efficiency, high frequency(response quickly), small volume, light weight, convenient operation,complete protecting function.Unique protecting function greatly improves the laser power reliability. The laser power not only makes the CO2 laser tube starting easily, gives the full scope to the function of it, but also improves the radiation efficiency,prolongs the service life of laser tube and laser power supply. 聚焦鏡、反射鏡片、YAG激光全反射鏡片等產品介紹:采用進口原料進行生產加工,確保鏡片使用壽命長、激光傳導中損失量小。 產品種類齊全,適合各類不同用戶的需求,并可根據用戶要求進行定制生產加工。