義烏市欣隆電子商務商行主營汽車氙氣大燈、倒車雷達、安定器、軟陶、汽車用品等。公司秉承“顧客至上,銳意進取”的經營理念,堅持“客戶第一”的原則為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。 本公司產品已經通過國際CE認證,E-MARK認證,ISO-9000國際認證等各類認證,是汽車電光源界的企業和知名品牌,設立辦事處和銷售網點,我們用心服務,以質量求生存,銷售優質產品的同時提供最佳的服務,以確保客戶的滿意,使我們的企業持續發展。多年來,本公司的產品受到廣大客戶的一致好評熱忱歡迎廣大用戶和客商惠顧,我們真誠歡迎您的惠顧,期待與您攜手共進 , 共創美好明天!Yiwu Xinlong e-commerce firm's main auto xenon headlights, parking sensors, ballast, clay, automotive supplies. Companies adhering to the "customer first, forge ahead" business philosophy, the "customers first" principle to provide our clients with quality services. ??? The company's products have passed the international CE certification, E-MARK certification, ISO-9000 certification and other international certification, enterprises and famous brand cars, light industry, offices and sales outlets, our intentions, the quality of survival and sales of quality products while providing the best services to ensure customer satisfaction, sustainable development of our business. Over the years, the company's products by customers praise warmly welcome customers and merchants throughout, we sincerely welcome your patronage and look forward to work together with you to create a better tomorrow!