公司名頭:沈陽沃森家具有限公司 座機:024-86870178 公司簡價: 沈陽沃森家具有限公司是一家綜合性的辦公家具企業。產品涵蓋:辦公桌椅、會議桌椅、辦公屏風、沙發、文件柜、禮堂椅、公寓床等。主要為各大機關單位、企業團體、賓館、學校、寫字樓、醫療機構等提供配套服務,并贏得了一致好評。公司也積累了豐富的測量、設計、施工、安裝等工程配套經驗和綜合實力。 
沃森家具的成長離不開廣大新老客戶的支持和厚愛。展望未來,我們將一如既往的以質服人,用心服務,同廣大新老客戶一同攜手共創美好未來。? Wosen is a company specializing in office furniture including: office desks and chairs, conference desks, screens, sofas, filing cabinets, auditorium chairs and dormitory beds. Our main customers are government departments, enterprises, hotels, schools and medical organizations etc. The company 
has gathered extensive engineering experience in product design, construction and installation. The company was founded on the business belief of " providing high quality products and trustworthy services". With our business principle of "keep promises and maintain high standards", it is well known in the industry for premium after sale services. Our ever strengthening team work, modern management techniques and humanized business culture is the basis of providing best service for every customer. At the same time, we will continue our work 
on product creativity and we are confident in meeting our clients' ever growing demands with high-end technique and state of the art furniture.? Wosen's growth depends on our customers long term support and trust. ?We look forward to sharing a bright future with our customers. 
