銅陵市華昌麻業有限公司坐落于交通便利,資源豐富的安徽省銅陵市。公司長期生產和經營各種麻類紡織品,借助于銅陵作為中國麻產業基地的資源優勢,利用亞麻和苧麻、大麻為主要原料,生產各類純麻紗線、混紡紗、彈力紗、竹節紗系列和各類純麻、混紡、交織類坯布系列產品。公司根據市場需求,不斷加強新產品,新技術的研發與運用,堅持“新品種、多批量、快交期、優服務”的差別化競爭戰略,尤其是麻與粘膠、滌綸、天絲、莫代爾、絹絲、腈綸等系列混紡紗的開發、生產、銷售具有很強的市場競爭力。 Tongling Huachang Linen&Ramie Industry Co., Ltd is located in Tongling City of Anhui Province, the place with convenient transport and abundant resources. The Company specializes in the production and business of various hemp-related products and textures. Since Tongling is the hemp industry base of China, where there are the main raw materials of linens, ramies and hemps, the Company produces various series of products incl. all kinds of pure hemp yarns, interweaving yarns, springing yarns, bamboo steel yarns and all types of pure hemp, interweaving and interwining products. The Company has been catering to the market demand, and has been developing new products, researched and adopted new technologies, adhering to the differential competition strategy of “new products, mass batches, quick delivery and quality service”. In particular, the Company developed and produced series of interweaving hemps for linens and sticks, terylenes, tencels, modals, spun silk and acrylic fibers etc, which are quite marketable and competitive. 華昌麻業, 堅持以市場為導向, 以質量為基礎, 以服務求發展的戰略,面向未來,實現企業的可持續發展。 Huachang Linen&Ramie Industry observes the market-oriented strategy, emphasize quality and service, and strives fro the sustainable development in the future.