陜西威爾機電科技有限公司(簡稱威爾量儀)是從事超高精密測量儀器的設計、生產、及售后服務一體的高新科技生產型企業。創辦于2003年,注冊資金500萬人民幣。公司已通過ISO9000質量體系認證,擁有數十項與產品相關的專利技術。自主開發及生產的產品有RS系列圓柱度儀、RC系列輪廓儀、RA系列圓度儀、RC系列粗糙度儀、RP活塞綜合測量儀、便攜式圓度儀/圓柱度儀輪廓儀。是國內圓度儀、圓柱度儀、輪廓儀整機及氣浮軸系、氣浮導軌等精密部件最大的OEM生產廠家,為國內數家知名精密儀器供應商提供OEM整機產品,為國內數家知名精密儀器生產商提供精密氣浮部件。威爾量儀的精密測量產品應用于機械行業、汽配行業、軸承行業、電機行業、及大專院校如(采埃孚北奔傳動技術(重慶)有限公司、寧波大學、上海大眾汽車有限公司、吉林理工大學等)。由各應用行業技術精英組成的顧問團隊,可按客戶具體的測量需求量身定制非標測量設備。提供最專業,最具個性化、最優性價比的測量方案。 威爾量儀在全國各主要省市設立辦事處或分公司,產品銷售服務分支機構遍布全國各省市,能快速響應客戶的售后服務需求。Shaanxi Wale Mechanical and Electrical Technology Co., Ltd. (Short for Shaanxi Wale) is a high-tech manufacturing company that engaged in ultra-high precision measuring instruments’ design, production and after sales service. Founded in 2003, Shaanxi Wale has a registered capital of 5,000,000.00 Yuan. The company has passed ISO9000 quality system certification, with dozens of products related patent technologyIndependent development and production of series of products are the RS cylindricity meter, RC series profiler, RA series roundness instrument, RC series roughness meter,RP piston comprehensive measuring instrument, portable roundness instrument/ cylindrical contour, moisture. It is the domestic roundness, cylindricity, contourgraph machine and the air float shaft system, air floating rail precision components such as the largest OEM manufacturers, for the domestic several well-known precision instrument supplier provide OEM product, for the domestic several well-known precision instrument manufacturers to provide precision floating parts.