誠亨食品主要產品有玩具糖果、壓片糖果、管糖、純玩具等,同時提供來樣生產服務(OEM服務)。 憑借優良的質量和有競爭力的價格以及貼心專業的服務,我們的產品遠銷至中東、非洲、南美等市場。成立以來,我們視質量和信譽為企業靈魂,在國內外均享有良好聲譽。 目前,本著互惠互利和誠信經營的原則,我們尋求與國內外客商開展更加廣泛的合作,并期待與國內外客商建立起長期的商業聯系。更多詳情,敬請垂詢。 we mainly supply candy toys, pressed candy,candy in bottle ,novel toy , meanwhile we can offer OEM according to customer's need about toys candy or press candy or toy etc. With excellent quality,competitive price, good and professional sevice, our products are exported to the Middle East, Africa, South America . Since its establishment, depending on the quality and credibility of our enterprise spirit, our factory enjoy a good reputation at home and abroad. At present, with the principle of mutual benefit, we are seeking to work with foreign clients for more extensive cooperation, and look forward to working with merchants all over the world to establish long-term business linkages. For more information, please feel free to contact me.