以海南山蛭例,它的覓食行為如下:當(dāng)牛漸漸接近山蛭時(1. 5;米范圍),牛的身體發(fā)出的輻射熱、特殊的氣味和呼出的暖濕氣流刺激山蛭,它頭部開始轉(zhuǎn)向運動,身體前段左右擺動進行探測。
Hainan mountain vermiculite example, foraging behavior is as follows: when cows gradually close to mountain vermiculite (1. 5 meters range), bovine radiant heat from the body, special smell and exhale warm current stimulation mountain, it is turning to sports, head body swinging around the front.
As the cattle are eating grass and close to stimulate more and more strong, mountain vermiculite recently moved to speed up the body, and finally to the direction of the cow fast swing, feel the direction and position, mountain vermiculite swing and quickly stop crawling towards the direction of the cow, larva and adult individual climb faster or hunger.