★立宏安全設備工程(上海)有限公司(LHS),主要承接設備安全系統設計,安裝施工,主要為外資企業工廠的設備進行風險評 估,安裝改造及售后服務 Lihong Safety engineering (Shanghai) Co Ltd (LHS ),mainly undertake safety system design, installation ; and can help those enterprises to do risk assessment, safety alternation and after-sale service. ★我們有最高端的全系列安全產品(如機器人等自動化項目設計及項目服務),同時提供最基礎的防護罩系列(如車床,鉆床 ,銑床等) We have the superior safety products (such as automatic project design& service for robot) ,at the same time we can supply basic protection cover( for example: lathe ,drilling machine ,milling machine) ★集設計,項目管理,施工安裝于一體的立宏安全工程,目前承接了上海汽車機器人測量系統,三坐標,自動焊接等汽車工廠 項目的新建 Combine designing, project management with installation ,Lihong (safety) currently undertake the project of measure system, three coordinates, automatic welding for Shanghai automotive industry cooperation. ★立宏安全同時提供外資企業工廠設備的二次改造,達到歐美安全標準 Lihong (safety) can also supply the second alternation for foreign-founded enterprises and factories, which reaches European safety standard. ★你還可以:直接進入立宏安全電子商務平臺,在平臺上直接查看庫存及下單,方便你即時找到想要的產品確保你的交期 You can also: Enter into our EC platform directly ,checking our stock and place order ,which are convenient for you to find the products you need and guarantee your delivery time ★交鑰匙的服務工程讓你無后顧之憂 The turnkey Service makes you worry-free