廣東深圳新生寶石公司成立于2000年,是一家專業從事寶石生產、加工基地以及擁有多個長期合作的產品加工點。主要生產加工各類貴重寶石以及天然晶石半寶石我們公司的工廠擁有先進的生產設備、嚴格的管理制度、精湛的技術工藝、熟練的技術工人、造就精美的寶石產品我們以"誠信為本,質量第一,共謀發展"的互利宗旨.誠邀各地客商長期友好合作,并歡迎你們來電來圖來樣加工訂做!期待與您的合作!We are xinsheng Gems Co.,ltd from China.our company is leading manufacture and exporter of all kinds precious and semi-precious stone, i.e. citrine, amethyst, green amethyst, ametrine, garnet, blue topaz, white topaz, peridot, turmaline, rubby, sapphire, rose quarz, smokey quarz, Usually we cut in the following shape: round, oval, pear, princess, square, octagon,briolet.We can supply different types of gemstones at a very attractive price. If you have any interest in buying these stones we are the right persons to contact. We look forward to dealing with you.