深圳市鼎潤輕紡進出口有限公司成立于2003年,公司員工從90年代初就開始從事各種輕紡織品的研發、生產和出口,積累了豐富的行業經驗。公司的生產基地位于湖北省荊州市,廠房面積10000多平方米,有400多名員工,150臺織機(其中20臺是箭桿織機),2條印花線。年出口創匯800多萬美元。公司常年可生產各種不同規格的全棉大刮底印花沙灘巾、毛浴巾、沙灘包、兒童披風等毛巾產品,以及各種型號、全棉的可多次使用的尿片(格紗尿片和鳥眼尿片),還有毛毯和床單等各種輕紡產品。我們的產品具有手感柔軟、吸水性強、做工精細等特點,并遠銷到北美、歐洲、香港、東南亞,南美、中東、非洲等國家和地區。 一直以來,公司以最優質的服務,最有競爭力的價格,為廣大客戶提供最優質的產品。“誠信務實”、“互利互惠”和“客戶至上”是我們的經營理念。我們熱烈歡迎海內外客戶與我們一起精誠合作、共創美好未來!Shenzhen Dingrun Textile Co., Ltd.,established in 2003 and specialied in the textile industry including product development,manufacturing and exporting from early nineties. Our workshop is situated at Jinzhou City,Hubei Province . We have a factory site of of 10,000 square meters with labour force of 400 workers. We possess 150 sets weaving machines (including 20 shaft loom) and 2 advanced printing lines.Our annual sales amount is over 8 million US dollars.We can produce all kinds of reactive printed beach towels,bath towels,beach bag,kids hooded towel,and all types of cotton cloth washable diapers( including gauze diaper and bird diaper).Also we has blankets and bedsheets and any other textile products with various kinds.Our produces have enough soft,high absorbent,fine workmanship and so on features.Our customers covers North America,Europe,Japan,Hongkong,Southeast Asia,South America and Middle East etc. countries and regions.With the principle of "honest,mutual benefit and customers first", we have been offering the best services and products with the most competitve price.We warmly welcome customers whom come form China and aboard to visit us,sincerely cooperate with us and create a better future with us.