南京江寧區湯山街道殼牌液壓油-鋰基脂銷售可最大限度地減少過濾器堵塞被全球多家液壓泵廠認可推薦技術規格:產品符合以下規格GB 11118.1(L-HM)ISO 6743/4(L-HM)DIN 51524第二部分丹尼森Denison HF-0 力士樂LisherMannesmann威克斯Vickers辛辛那提P68、P70、P69典型數據: ISO粘度等級 46運動粘度(40℃)m㎡/s 45.88粘度指數 103閃點(開口) ℃ 240傾點℃ -15應用范圍:可廣泛用于工業、航運和移動式的液壓及傳動系統中,也適用于普通負載的齒輪傳動裝置、軸承及其他工業機械的潤滑可用于高壓柱塞泵系統。
(2)按換油參考指標進行換油,換油時應將設備各部件清洗干凈,以免雜質等混入油中,影響使用效果。To minimize filter clogging recommended technical specifications approved by hydraulic pump manufacturers worldwide: products meet the following specifications: GB 11118.1(L-HM) ISO 67434(L-HM) DIN 51524 Part 2 Denison Denison HF-0 Rexroth Lishermannesmann Vickers Cincinnati P68, P70, P69 typical data: ISO viscosity class 46 kinematic viscosity (40 ° C) mm2/S 45.88 viscosity index 103 flash point (opening) â ° C 240 dip point â ° C -15 applications: widely used in industrial, shipping and mobile hydraulic and transmission systems, it is also suitable for the lubrication of gears, bearings and other industrial machinery of common load. It can be used in high-pressure piston pump system. Anti-wear hydraulic oil (HM hydraulic oil) is developed from antirust and anti-oxygen hydraulic oil, it has a series of products, such as alkaline high zinc, alkaline low zinc, neutral high zinc and ashless, etc. , they are divided into 40' c kinematic viscosity of 22,32,46,68 four brands. Note (L) to keep the hydraulic system clean, timely removal of oil tank sludge and metal debris. (2) changing oil according to the reference index of oil change, the parts of the equipment should be cleaned to prevent impurities from mixing into the oil and affecting the use effect.