PN25,DN125-600 閥門材料/Materials 主要零件材料(表3 Main parts materiai (tablc 3) 適用范圍/Application 供暖系統、區城供熱、工業用途、城市燃氣 Heating systems,district beating, industrial purposes 適用介質/Media 水、空氣、油和其它不與碳鋼發生化學反應的流體 Water.ait,oil and other tluids, which are not decomposing carbon steel 根據標準要求,規格為DN250-Dn600的不提供手柄/ As standard, DN250-DN600is supplied without handle. 可以訂購如下附加配件Thefollowing operating devices are available to order: 可移動齒輪執行機構Backstop for mobileactuator 手動齒輪執行機構Stationary hand-operated actuator. 電動齒輪執行機構Electric actuator. 閥桿末端裝有IS0標準法蘭The spindle topisequipped with an ISOflango 30 20 口否 10 主要連接尺寸Main connection size 公稱直徑 量kg DN Weightkg Bore A/B 行標CBT37827 125 100 193 139.7/133 5 325/350 75 172 40 24 150 125 219 168.3/159 6 350/390 80 190 50 33 200 150 273 219.1/219 7 400/520 80 217 60 47 250 200 351 273/273 8 520/635 80 256 84 78 300 250 406 323.9/325 12 630/689 90 303 105 132 350 300 508 355.6/377 14 650/762 90 345 110 198 400 350 610 406.4/426 14 760/838 105 410 120 336 450 350 610 457/480 16 760/915 105 410 120 404 500 400 680 508/530 18 910/991 120 460 150 604 600 500 813 510/630 22 1060/1143 125 530 170 1000