占地面積2 萬多平米的大型規模印刷廠區,員工240多人,提供全天24小時的服務! 擁有多臺全新海德堡六開機, 四開機,對開機,原裝日本小森全開機,日本三菱對開六色,印刷機共11臺.
The company possesses a large-scale printing workshop of more than 20,000 square meters and more than 240 professional staff members, which provides 24-hour service.
It is furnished with altogether 11 bisect five-color and six-color printing machines, including sets of brand-new Heidelberg, original-binding Japanese Komori and Mitsubishi printing machines.
同時后加工裝訂設備也是世界最為先進的全自動馬天尼膠裝龍, 騎馬龍.各一臺,效率高,每小時自動膠裝裁切生產5000本!也是北京首家擁有這樣的齊全設備!STALL折頁機、MBO折頁機、POLA切紙機各一臺、精裝書圓脊鎖線精裝等為廣大客戶提供一條龍服務!
Meanwhile, it has the most advanced post-processing bounding equipments in the world, which are a full-automatic Martini binding machine and a Martini saddle stitcher. They are high efficient and can automatically bind and cut 5,000 copies per hour! It is the first company in BeiJing being such well equipped, which provides one package service for the vast clients.
專業印刷高檔精美書刊畫冊、精裝書和畫冊、雜志、樓書、海報、手提袋、銀聯標識貼等。歡迎國內外廣告、設計公司,出版社等各界來人、來電洽談印刷業務。(精裝書Case-bound 平裝書Paperback 卡書Board Books 雜志Magazine 古線裝釘Ancient line into book)
Our company can professionally print high-class picture albums, hardcover books, magazines, real estate brochures, posters and handbags, etc. B usiness calls from commercial staffs of various circles from home and abroad, the advertising and design companies and the publishing companies are welcomed!
高檔商務印刷創意設計Business Printing/creative design
希望與你們合作愉快 !
Have a satisfied cooperation with you!
歡迎來電洽談 !
Business calls from you are welcomed!
聯 系 人: 胡經理(營銷總監)
印刷總廠址: 北京豐臺區南三環西紅門鎮印刷工業園區