Innovation is now building model more pursuit, follow the trend of the times, the continuous progress in social development. Building models can be divided into high photorealistic level model, the traditional meaning of precision mold, mold level model, with Jane floor level model in classification. Introduce the following model of Ji'nan company for your detailed:
High level based on the pseudo true: mould in the traditional meaning of lead angle, such as wall bricks and other detail processing model, improve the model portrait of. Refinement of deep degree to project specific requirements shall prevail.
The traditional mould: wall structure of all, wall, wall partition line ribbon and facade decorative texture reference the actual shape with the model of complete production. The traditional meaning of precise mould and traditional precision mold precision below the main structure model does not make high pseudo depth level details really involved.
Jane: die level model of wall structure and wall ribbon mainly use the model making. By mapping to achieve a wall dividing line, facade decoration texture using the channel mapping to achieve, to ensure all materials can be adjusted independently in MAX.
主要的、結構性的墻體結構使用模型制作。墻體分割線、墻面色帶,立面裝飾紋理均用貼圖實現,貼圖需在 PHOTOSHOP里調整好紋理和顏色。
With the floor level model: the main wall structure, structural use of model making. Wall dividing line, wall facade decoration ribbon, texture mapping to achieve texture are used, need to adjust the good texture and color in PHOTOSHOP.
Because of the continuous development of society, people's pursuit of style in the constantly changing, as designers should be more understanding people's needs. Design to meet the people appreciate the architectural model level, so also will contribute to the understanding of the architectural style. Hope that the Jining model company brought the information will help you.