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中文簡介 廣州米麗服服裝設計有限公司是一家專業設計生產中東、歐美風格的晚禮服公司。獨特的設計理念、專業化的設計團隊以及正規的生產管理一直是公司領先于同行的重要之處。公正合理的價格以及良好的質量保證亦使我們在這強烈的市場競爭下一直立于不敗之地。我公司業務主要從事中東以及歐美款晚禮服設計生產,亦可提供來樣定做,我們將竭誠為您服務,歡迎您的光臨。 English Introduction Mix-Life CO., Limited is a trading company which mainly designs and manufactures mid-east-style & European –style evening-dress. Unique design idea, professional design team as well standard production and administration is always the key to the development of company. Besides, fair price and good quality is also the basic guarantee for customers under such fierce competition. Our company generally ... |