河北省冀州市聯興制輥有限公司是膠輥,液體硅膠輥,聚氨酯膠輥、鏡面輥,橡膠套筒,弧形輥,鋼鐵膠輥,中高輥,硅膠輥,彩涂輥,酸洗輥,不銹鋼輥,鋁導輥,鍍鉻輥,木工機械膠輥,氟橡膠輥,鐵氟龍膠輥,海帕隆(海巴龍)膠輥,霧面輥,加熱輥,冷卻輥,逗號輥,鋁導輥,內凹輥,噴砂輥等專業輥類生產企業,并提供舊輥包膠、鋼輥翻新、新輥訂制、實驗輥研發、根據數據設計圖紙和樣輥制作等服務。加工直徑達到2000mm,加工長度8000mm,并具備獨立進出口經營權,公司產品涵蓋膠輥、五金制輥、橡膠制品和五金配件四大系列,70多個品種500多個型號,達到了輥類的一站式采購。聘請多名臺灣、廣州、深圳專業資深工程師,并以國外先進技術、工藝和設備為生產核心,使產品交貨周期短、質量優。經過多年發展,逐步建成三個生產基地,是國內規模輥類生產企業之一。 聯興制輥有限公司通過多年發展,產品在品質、價格上具有明顯的市場競爭優勢,多年來竭誠為客戶服務,客戶遍布全國各省市,部分產品已替代進口產品,并出口國外。公司以客戶為中心作為企業發展的源動力,把客戶的需求貫徹在新品研發、市場銷售、產品制造、客戶服務等所有企業行為中,并以“品質極限,服務無限”為企業的價值觀,把服務也是產品的一部分作為企業全員共識,用優質的產品和誠摯、專業的服務回報廣大客戶的信任和支持。 Hebei Jizhou Lianxing Roller Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is rubber roller, liquid silicon rubber roller, polyurethane rubber roller, mirror roller, rubber sleeve, arc roller, steel rubber roller, medium high roller, silicon rubber roller, color coating roller, pickling roller, stainless steel roller, aluminum guide roller, chrome plated roller, woodworking machinery rubber roller, fluororubber roller, Teflon rubber roller, hypalon rubber roller, fog surface roller, heating roller, Cooling roll, comma roll, aluminum guide roll, concave roll, sandblasting roll and other professional roll manufacturers, and provide old roll coating, steel roll renovation, new roll customization, experimental roll research and development, according to the data design drawings and sample roll production services. The processing diameter is 2000mm, the processing length is 8000mm, and the company has independent import and export rights. The company's products cover cots, metal rollers, rubber products and hardware accessories four series, more than 70 varieties and more than 500 models, reaching the one-stop purchase of rollers. We employ many senior engineers from Taiwan, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and take foreign advanced technology, process and equipment as the production core, so that the product delivery cycle is short and the quality is excellent. After years of development, gradually built three production bases, is one of the domestic scale roller production enterprises. Through years of development, Lianxing Roller Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has obvious market competitive advantages in quality and price. Over the years, it has been dedicated to serving customers all over the country. Some products have replaced imported products and exported to foreign countries. The company takes the customer as the center as the source power of enterprise development, implements the customer's demand in all enterprise behaviors such as new product research and development, marketing, product manufacturing and customer service, and takes "quality limit, unlimited service" as the enterprise's value, regards service as a part of the product as the enterprise's consensus, and uses high-quality products and sincere service Professional service returns the trust and support of customers. |