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金華俊杰工藝品廠,是一家專業生產交通路錐、三角警示牌、安全帽、反光背心、手腕帶、指揮棒等防護系列的優勝企業。工廠擁有先進的機器設備、精確的加工技術、嚴格的管理方法。由于產品規格齊全,質量符合國家出口標準,各款產品遠銷歐、美、中東、東南亞等國家和地區,深受海內外客戶的信賴。 我們將“以質量求生存,以信譽求發展”為宗旨。以最熱情的服務,最優惠的價格歡迎海內外客商來函、來電洽談合作。 JinHua Junjie Crafts Factory is a professional production of Traffic Cone, warning triangle, safety helmets, reflective vests, wrist bands, baton and other protective series winning companies. The factory has a state-of-the-art machinery and equipment, precision processing technology, strict management. The complete product specifications, quality in line with national export standards, sections of the products are e... |