海南品香園食品有限公司坐落在被譽為海南省東海岸明珠的瓊海市富海工業區,致力于開發海南獨特的熱帶作物資源,工廠占地70多畝,三亞、興隆設有下屬機構“椰子林工業園”、“太陽河咖啡廠”、“天涯海角商場超市”等生產觀光基地。標準化生產廠房,配備全套自動化糖果生產線、固體飲料生產線、自動定量包裝機、焙炒咖啡爐等設備。公司建有規范的辦公樓和生活設施,擁有高素質、專業的生產、管理人員。目前,純天然無污染健康食品已成為一種消費潮流。我公司依托海南這個得天獨厚的地域優勢,以其獨特的農產品椰子、咖啡豆、可可、茶葉、木瓜、菠蘿等為原料,生產椰子飲品系列、咖啡系列、糖果系列、海南獨特風味餅干系列及調味品系列等產品。公司產品也正走向全國市場,并呈良性發展。海南品香園食品以規范化、現代化為發展方向,在質量、品牌、企業形象上獲得了明顯的成效。以“一切為消費者”為宗旨,為發展海南特色產品振興海南經濟做貢獻。 Hainan Pin Xiang Yuan foodstuff Co.Ltd is launched in Fuhai industrial areas of Qionghai that is considered as the pearl of east coast in Hainan. The factory covers 70mu and has many tourist bases like “Sanya Yearing Industry Garden”, “Sun River Factory of Xinglong”, “Ultima Thule Tourism Shopping Market” in Sanya and Xinglong. There is a standardized production line, automatically quantitative packing machine, baking coffee maker and other equipments. The company has normative office building and living facilities, also owns professional producers and managers with high quality. The healthy food of pure and pollution-free is to be fashionable consumer trends. Taking advantage of Hainan particular area, the company use particular agricultural products like coconut, coffee beans, cocoa, tea leaves, papaya, and pineapple as raw materials to produce many series of products, such as coconut drink series, coffee series, candy series, Hainan unique flavor pancake series and spice series and so on. Company’s products are selling to the market nationwide and growing fast as we expected. Aiming at standardization and modernization The Company has gained tangible result in the products’ quality, brand, and corporate image. For the purpose of serving the public, the Company has been making contribution to develop unique products in Hainan.