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廣州市越秀區巨鹿食品行是巨鹿貿易進出口公司旗下子公司,其母公司為一家經營進口休閑零食、健康食品為主的商品代理和經銷商。總代理意大利Dais戴思系列及其他歐美品牌,我食品行為批發業務為主,緊貼歐美、朝日、和東南亞最新、最暢銷的零食食品和健康早餐谷物,款式齊全、價格合理,我們一直以保證品牌和質量,多品種經營和薄利多銷的經營方針,因此,深受廣大各地的超市、便利店和進口零食網店的采購商支持和信任。我們會一直堅守原則:顧客至上 誠信第一 用心服務!讓顧客選購得安心 愉悅!Grant Deer Trading Co., LTD. is an agent and dealer of importing snack food and health foods. We are a sole agent of Italy’s Dais food in China. and agents other brands from European and American, we have the most popular snacks and healthy breakfast cereals in variety, varietal, the price is reasonable, therefore, favored by the purchaser... |