人均十年行業經驗的優秀技術團隊,致力于為您提供專業化的產品以及技術服務。主要經營電腦連接器、數碼連接器插頭 , 射頻同軸連接器,精密車床產品 , 各種連接器膠心;五金沖壓及精密模具開發等。悅東電子在全國各地建有業務網,下屬子公司有深圳悅東電子分公司、悅東電子香港分公司、悅東電子安徽分公司,廠房設立在東莞、合肥。我們秉持 “ 熱忱、踏實、堅持、沖勁、有恒 ” 的理念發展企業 , 保證優秀品質 , 提供優質服務為宗旨 , 竭誠為新老客戶提供信得過的產品及服務。
我們的成長離不開您的信賴和支持 ; 我們期待與您攜手共進。謝謝支持!
Sunshine electronics(Dong Guan) Co.,Ltd. with SSE-sunshine International (HK) Co.,Ltd. as its branch, is a professional electronics manufacturer and service provider in China. We have a great technical team with above a decade work experience.
We are specialized in operating computers, all kinds of connectors, coaxial connectors, Digital Connector Plug, precision lathe products, metals stamping, Digital Audio, plastic productions and precision mold exploitation, etc.
The key value of Sunshine is, to provide the high quality products and services. We embrace the principle of honesty, integrity, endeavor, and respect, keep improving ourselves, and create values for our customers.
Our company is well accepted in terms of service. We expect to make progress with you! Thanks for your strong support!