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蒼南縣晨宇包裝材料有限公司是集專業加工生產和進出口貿易為一體的有限責任公司,文具、文件袋、筆記本、臺歷,無紡布掛歷,無紡布袋,包裝,捆扎帶等是公司的主營產品,公司總部設在素有印刷城之稱的蒼南縣龍港。蒼南縣晨宇包裝材料有限公司擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系,以誠信為宗旨,秉著質量第一,價格合理,客戶至上的原則,獲得眾多客戶的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨蒼南縣晨宇包裝材料有限公司參觀、指導和業務洽談。Chenyu Packing Material Co., Ltd, setting the professional production and export trade as one of the limited liability company,located in Longgang of Cangnan , a town known as printing.The main products of company range from stationery, file packet,notepad, calendar, to nonwoven bags(including nonwoven calendar)and package printing. Chenyu Packing Material Co., Ltd, hasing a complete,and scientific quality... |