北京開碧源貿易有限公司成立于2003年,公司與地質大學,北京大學聯合在河南溫縣建立生產基地,溫縣開碧源凈水材料廠。被建設部定為專業產品推廣廠家。產品廣泛用于城鎮洪水、排水、以及化工、冶金、電力、油田、造紙、工業污水處理領域,是個大型企業理想的合作伙伴,主要產品有:活性炭、凈水劑、濾料系列、塔器填料系列、波紋補償器系列、橡膠接頭系列 Beijing Kaibiyuan Trading Co., Ltd. (KBY for short) was founded in 2003, which specialized in the water purification materials and equipment in mainland, and have been identified as a professional product promotion factory by the Ministry of Construction. For many years, Kaibiyuan have been cooperating with University of Geosciences, Peking University and continually optimizing the industrial structure. Respectively, Kaibiyuan has set up the productio |