1. ? 采用深度加氫裂化精制基礎油。美國最先進科技的復合添加劑配方調制而成的發動機油;
; 4、綠色環保,節能,四季通用.適用于150CC-250CC排量三輪摩托車;
5、標準/認證:API SG ?JASO MA2
6、產品系列:5W30 10W30 ?15W40 20W50
1. ?Using the depth hydrocracking refined base oil.America?s most advanced ? ? ?science and technology from the composite additive of engine oil.
2. ?Suitable for all kinds of high performance of four stroke motorcycle engine;
3. ?With excellent oxidation resistance,clean dispersion and excellent ? ? ?lubrication anti-wear performance,and prolong engine life.
4. Green environm ental protection.energy saving,and the four seasons general.
5. ?Certification:API SG ?JASOMA2
6. ?Product series:5W30 10W30 ?15W40 20W50